Thank you for your interest in joining the Baton Rouge Apartment Association (BRAA). Our association represents thousands of apartment units as well as their owners, management companies and the industry product and service providers throughout the capitol region. By joining the Baton Rouge Apartment Association you’ll be in the company of the movers, shakers and decision makers in the multifamily industry.
The Baton Rouge Apartment Association provides support, leadership and knowledge that fosters efficient, ethical and profitable operation of members businesses. We also maintain a strong presence at the local, state and national levels to monitor and be an advocate on rental housing laws and regulation changes.
Whether you are a supplier or service provider looking to target your market quickly and effectively, or a property owner that desires information on fast-changing legislation affecting our industry, the Baton Rouge Apartment Association provides the resources and professional network you need. Together we stand as the leading advocate, resource and community partner for quality rental housing in the Greater Baton Rouge area.
BRAA offers two types of membership: OWNER/MANAGERS and SUPPLIERS
Frequently Asked Questions on Membership:
What is the Baton Rouge Apartment Association and what does it do?
The Baton Rouge Apartment Association (BRAA) is a trade association representing professionals in the apartment industry. The membership includes apartment property owners, management companies, developers and suppliers to the industry. Our focus is legislation, education and communication for the industry.
Do you have to be a member of BRAA if you have rental property?
Membership in BRAA is voluntary. An apartment property is a member through its affiliation with an individual owner or management company.
How much is membership?
For an owner of rental property or a management company, the fees are calculated based on the total number of units for all of the properties the company manages in the parishes surrounding the Baton Rouge MSA area that BRAA represents. This information is printed on the membership application.
How do I join BRAA?
By completing the BRAA Member Application and submitting the appropriate fee.