BRAA Committees

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall serve in an advisory role to the Board of Directors and shall have the authority to exercise powers of the Board of Directors including: those necessary for the proper administration of the Association’s business; the authority and responsibility for the day to day operations of the Association; and such further authority as may be conferred by the Board. 

  • Lynelle Smith, President
  • Phillip Johnson, President Elect
  • Tiffany Bennett, Secretary/ Treasurer 
Education & Programming Committee

Responsible for providing general educational programs and projects, including cooperating with other local, state and national associations; works closely with all other committees to facilitate education of the membership. Serves to establish programming, invites speakers as well as operates any special event, networking and social activities.

  • Kali Hay, Board Liaison 
  • Timberlynn Platenburg
  • Heather Arceneaux
  • Jennifer Landry 
Legislative Committee

Responsible for monitoring activities of Metro Council, Planning Commission, and other governmental entities which could impact members. Keeps membership informed of the Association’s position on same. Establish rapport with council members, state and federal legislators. Responsible for making policy recommendations to the Board of Directors. Responsible for encouraging participation in political activities. Inform and educate membership on legislative issues before they are called upon to vote, or lobby legislators.  

  • McKenzie Sanders, Board Liaison  
  • Charlaina Poole 
Membership Committee

This dedicated group of volunteers helps set up for events and meetings, work registration stations, and greets members at meetings and events.

  • Debbie Landry, Board Liaison
  • Phillip Johnson, Board Liaison 
Communications Committee 

Responsible for content creation, keeping up with our social media, taking photos at events, designing flyers for our members. 

  • Kelly Page 
  • Charlaina Poole, Board Liaison 
Products and Services Council 

This group is responsible for representing our vendors, putting together the trade show, collecting door prizes for events, and continuing education opportunities for our vendors. 

  • Debbie Landry, Board Liaison
  • Phillip Johnson, Board Liaison